I was born in Tehran and now living in Cary, NC. In 2015, I left my home in Iran, to pursue an education, career, and start a new chapter of my life in America. I studied architecture and landscape architecture in Iran, but landscape architecture grew more strongly. I fulfilled my dream of learning more about this field by registering for the master of landscape architecture program at the NCSU College of Design. Since 2016, I am professionally working as a designer.
To make, to draw, and to travel. And nature is the most precious matter for me.
Sahar-Gol (Gol means a flower in Farsi) is coming from my love for flowers. It is my sweet forever memory of childhood. Everyone knew me as a flower lover. I was searching for flowers anywhere I go, and friends and family know the best gift for me: flowers. I am not sure if flowers made me become a designer, but I remember I love creating, drawing, and painting since my childhood. I felt art was a way to give flowers longevity and eternity. It seems I didn’t want those memories to escape. School years were times I learned more about art and built bonds to my childhood dream to be engulfed by flowers. School years were times to reshape my passion into a profession.
Immigration surprisingly gave me more inspiration. An immigrant’s heart is always overwhelmed (in a good way!) with emotion about two dreams, places, and cultures. Immigration brought me a sense of belonging — a concurrent sense of belonging to my origin and the new home. Then, creating becomes a means for me to depict the memories of here with a touch from there, forget my homesickness, and turn them into happiness.
The memories of garden alleys, laughter & tears, red pomegranates, sweet grapes, playful cats, mom’s red opal ring, dad’s forever polished shoes, plane trees, crowded streets, rain sound, cinnamon tea aroma, and many more are the pictures of the home in my mind. Creating is a way for me to keep these moments alive. I am still looking for a way to depict many things — flowers, memories, new places, people, and other things that come to my life hereafter.
the story of one memory and one moment, which devotes to my joy to landscape + architecture.
This is Sahar-Gol in Farsi!